Facts Matter
International Youth Transition Changes
Europe vs North America: Teenagers, Children, and Gender Transition Policy: A Comparison of Transgender Medical Policy for Minors in Canada, the United States, and Europe – Aristotle Foundation
Germany: Beyond Nice: Updated systematic review on the current evidence for using puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in minors with gender dysphoria
Belgium & Netherland: Belgium and Netherlands call for puberty blocker restrictions following Cass Review
Finland: A landmark Finnish study is changing how we approach transgender kids
Norway: Norway’s government is “in dialogue” with health services about gender treatments | The BMJ
United Kingdom: The Cass Review
Why Europe and America are going in opposite directions on youth transgender medicine | The Hill
Important Studies and News:
Springer Link: Development of Gender Non-Contentedness During Adolescence and Early Adulthood
World Health Organization guidelines on the health of trans and gender diverse people
"The scope will cover adults only and not address the needs of children and adolescents, because on review, the evidence base for children and adolescents is limited and variable regarding the longer-term outcomes of gender affirming care for children and adolescents.
Cambridge University Press: Have the psychiatric needs of people seeking gender reassignment changed as their numbers increase? A register study in Finland
PubMed: [Uncertainties around the current gender care: five problems with the clinical lesson 'Youth with gender incongruence']
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy: Iatrogenic Harm in Gender Medicine
Springer link: Current Concerns About Gender Affirming Therapy in Adolescents
Mapping the harm: Rights-driven gender medicine has thrown off safeguards as it colonises health systems around the globe, but it faces a new challenge
The Economist: Research into trans medicine has been manipulated
Gript: New Mayo Clinic Study Suggests Puberty Blockers Damage May Be Permanent
NYTimes: Why Is the U.S. Still Pretending We Know Gender-Affirming Care Works?
The Hill: Gender-distressed youth deserve the truth about the science
The New York Times: As Kids, They Thought They Were Trans. They No Longer Do
The Economist: The evidence to support medicalised gender transitions in adolescents is worryingly weak
The Free Press: I Was Told to Approve All Teen Gender Transitions. I Refused.
The Free Press: I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle.
The Free Press: Gender-Affirming Care Is Dangerous. I Know Because I Helped Pioneer It
The New York Times: The Courage to Follow the Evidence on Transgender Care
Buttonslives: How Autistic Traits Can Be Mistaken For Gender Dysphoria
Our Duty Amicus Brief
Regino Amicus Brief
EPPC Amicus Brief